Meet Gestational Carrier M

Meet Carrier M a remarkable woman who has commenced on this extraordinary path not once, not twice, but five times! With a heart overflowing with compassion and a spirit radiating warmth, she has embraced the role of a gestational carrier, each time bringing joy and fulfillment to families longing for the pitter-patter of little feet.

1. Share your surrogacy journey! The ins and outs of the process!

I am loving my surrogacy journey with my intended fathers and they are so involved and that’s all I ever wanted. They come to everything and we text almost daily. This is my 5th journey and surrogacy is one of the best things I have ever done! I am 8.5 weeks with surrogate baby boy, first time with these intended fathers and this is their first baby.

2. Who inspired you to become a surrogate? 

I always wanted to be a surrogate and waited until I was done having kids.

3. What is something that you did not expect during your surrogacy journey? 

This journey has been a little different than with other agencies but I really do like Gift of Life Surrogacy Agency.

4. What unexpected surprises or memorable moments have made your journey especially meaningful?

The intended fathers being so involved is so amazing, I never got that before. In past journeys, I did my appointments by myself or with my hubby! 

5. If you could share one piece of advice or encouragement with someone considering becoming a surrogate, what would it be?

Be open minded


Surrogacy is now legal in Michigan. Start your surrogacy journey.