Gift of Life Surrogacy on Bustle

Emily Westerfield, director of surrogacy engagement and matching at Gift of Life Surrogacy, was recently interviewed by for insight on the surrogacy process. 

Becoming A Surrogate Is An Involved Process, & Here’s What Experts Want You To Know

When we hear the word “surrogate,” we tend to equate it with the rich and famous. Kim Kardashian, for example, used a surrogate to bring her third and forth children into the world. Because her first two pregnancies were less than easy, her doctors suggested she not conceive and try to carry a fetus to term again. For Kardashian, having a surrogate was the best way to do it.  READ MORE

If you would like to talk to Emily directly about becoming a surrogate with Gift of Life Surrogacy, please start by filling out this short form.

If you would like to learn more about using a surrogate, please schedule a consultation.

Surrogacy is now legal in Michigan. Start your surrogacy journey.